White Ghost Card
Hungry Ghost Festival White Ghost
Red Ghost Card
Hungry Ghost Festival Red Ghost
The Hungry Ghost Card
The Hungry Ghost of Nagasaki
Hungry Ghost Stories Card
Bedtime stories for hungry ghosts
Mantra MashUp Card
Mantras for hungry ghosts
Mask MashUp Card
Noh masks for the hungry ghost
Matter MashUp Card
ghostly science
Mother Goose MashUp Card
Nursery rhymes for hungry ghosts
Empty Card Holder
The coolest card holder
The Offensive Card Holder
The big offender
Card Holder 01
Trading card holder
Card Holder 02
Trading card holder
Card Holder 03
Trading card holder
Card Holder 04
Trading card holder
Card Holder 05
Trading card holder
Card Holder 06
Trading card holder
Card Holder 07
Trading card holder
Holder on Bulletin Board
Trading card holder as designed for bulletin board
Two weeks ago last Tuesday, we sallied forth into the world to distribute our Hungry Ghost Trading Cards. We did not want to be overly ambitious our first time out, so only a few destinations were planned.
We had high hopes that our cards would attract attention.
They did.
But not exactly the kind of attention we expected.
But I am getting ahead of myself, so I will backup a bit and tell the story properly.
I have wanted to create trading cards for years. But, the printing was always too expensive. Recently, however, I figured out that they could be printed as 5×7 postcards then cut into quarters to yield four trading cards per postcard.
Seemed easy enough having done a fair number of postcards and other similar print materials in the past. So, we decided to use our Hungry Ghost Festival project to field test our very own collection of unique trading cards.
The Hungry Ghost Trading Cards were specifically designed to promote this website as well as our growing catalog of esoteric electronic books available in the iTunes Bookstore including The Hungry Ghost, Hungry Ghost Stories and the Hungry Ghost Guide.
We had the idea that we could leave a stack of them at places where people leave business cards, and they would be so attractive that everyone who saw one would take one home.
We created nifty joss paper decorated card holders to pin to bulletin boards. Each card holder was stuffed with nine trading cards. We planned on six stops that Tuesday morning. Stops 1 through 3 went as planned.
Stop 4 was a coffee shop in one of the more “hip” parts of town.
The posting of the cards in the holder happened in a bit of a clandestine fashion as it seemed to just suddenly appear out of nowhere pinned on the wall right above the sugar and cream bar.

Within minutes, one of the baristas spotted the card holder, walking up to it with interest. The interest instantly morphed into disgust. “How terrible. Where did this come from?” A co-worker approached, mystified but not really upset.
“Did YOU put this here? Who put this here? Should I take it down?” The co-worker made some remark about a ghost and in an instant, the card holder and all nine trading cards were taken down and disappeared around the coffee bar.
It occurred to me then just how personal all this is – the whole concept of the hungry ghost, or even just the notion of ghosts themselves. Ghosts are, after all, dead people.
Most people would rather not think of death. Especially in mainstream America… where death is a necessary evil that one contends with only when no one else will, the business of the funeral, the cemetery, the metaphoric wiping of the hands as one turns and walks away.
Hungry Ghost Month is not about getting the job done. It is about honoring the lives and deaths of those who lived before us and among us.
It is about us.
And that it is mighty personal.